April 3- 5, 2009
Friends Meeting House
Visalia, California
Tulare County
Notes from Action Planning Session, Friday Evening, April 4, 2009

Priority Issues:
This Call to Action in Visalia is the first county convened to begin the process to revisit, revise and reaffirm our state agendas toward a US women’s agenda. This is a working document that will be prioritized by counties in the Central Valley:
Set #1
1.1 Medical Services: Health Reform 
1.2 Higher wages 
1.3 Social Justice
1.4 Gender Equity
1.5 Environment issues/Education 
1.6 Driver’s licenses
1.7 Investing in young women’s leadership 
1.8 Human rights
1.9 Strengthen network of women’s organizations statewide 
1.10 Sexual Violence, Domestic violence and Human trafficking
1.11 Common sense/peace education in kindergarten
1.12 Passage of 
SB810 – Healthcare,
Defeat 1A,
Repeal Prop 8,
Maintain Social Security
1.13 Ending War in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine
1.14 Judicial Justice
1.15 Public Transportation
1.16 Living wage
1.17 Language Access
1.18 Literacy
Set #2
1. Financial Literacy 
2. Reproductive Justice (Sex Education) 
3. Understand legislation
4. Women Elected
5. Activist on Legislation
6. Student Rights – Immigrant student rights
7. Religious training for youth 
8. Comprehensive Immigration Reform 
9. Affordable Education 
10. More Interaction with diverse women – coalition building 
11. Sexism in the Workplace
12. Gay Rights
13. Support children, teacher, education 
14. Immigration rights
15. Preschool for all (birth through college
16. Universal Healthcare
17. Safety in schools
18. Economic Justice 
19. Gun Control
20. Justice for Immigrant and Indigenous people
21. Tolerance class in High School
22. Expand labor laws to farmworkers and domestic workers
23. Return to school – retention
24. Opportunities for at-risk youth
25. Voter education
26. Access to Economic Opportunities
1. Widespread education {to empower} on Immigration and Economic Survival 
2. Invest in Community Organizers in support of community programs. 
3. Marshal technology access to serve our needs.
Set #2
1.1 2011 Centennial of California women’s right to vote
1.2 Contact Legislators
1.3 Training on advocacy – voter education
1.3Access to technology
• AT&T re: rural access to internet for advocacy and empowerment
1.5 Update the on-line directory of women’s organizations